Debt Advice Charity

How it started

Community Money Advice (CMA) is one of the largest debt advice charities in the UK. After receiving a personal recommendation, they approached us about maintaining their bespoke desktop Case Management software.

What we contributed

After a two major releases of the desktop software, covering bugfixes and new features, we addressed the increasing demand for cross-platform support and remote working by championing to CMA the concept of re-releasing the software as a web application. This release involved redevelopment of the software, a feature and bug review, and the production of a migration tool to move clients from the desktop software to the web application.

In addition to the development work, Integritec has supported CMA and their end-users with a helpdesk service, allowing end users to request and receive support from technicians who know the software inside-out.

The client's view

John Franks, Operations Manager at CMA, says:
"Integritec have been working for CMA for the last three years, developing, and providing both technical and user support, for our bespoke debt advice casework software. We are extremely happy with the work they undertake for us. They work to schedule, to budget, their costings are highly competitive, and service response is fast.

But we have found the real strength of Integritec lies in their empathy with the end user. Any non-IT professional who has ever specced a software requirement for techies will be familiar with the potential for mis-communication to occur: Integritec circumvent this potential problem by ensuring that they understand the user need as fully as they understand the technical solution. In addition, the Integritec team apply their own knowledge and creativity to developing the software.

I'll finish by adding that working with the Integritec team is a pleasure: they are always available, always polite and professional, always ready to help. From all this you will readily understand why CMA are so pleased to have Integritec working for us."

The future

The web application release has gone very well, and incremental releases are planned roughly biannually.