How it started
Our client came to us as a young start-up, needing to reduce their software costs. They wanted an alternative to their SaaS CRM package, and needed the data backed up and moved. We provided the most competitive bid for the work, and successfully migrated the data from SalesForce to SugarCRM. This led into discussions with the client about their choice of Student Information Systems, and the need to run a tender operation.
What we contributed
- Our client had considered hiring in-house IT capability, but was struggling to find someone with the right range of development, architecture, database and support capabilities. Integritec offered all of these on an on-demand basis.
- Our client was constrained by disparate systems that would not integrate with each other. Integritec championed discussions with the vendors to produce standardised APIs to allow the systems to integrate, and developed custom integrations where the products did not support the necessary logic.
- Our client was generating large amounts of data, but was unable to collate it and report on it. We sat down with key stakeholders and planned an infrastructure which allowed for centralised data storage, and managed the procurement of a data visualisation/reporting tool.
The future
With our client now a mature company, it makes sense for them to bring some IT expertise in-house. We have trained their staff in key technologies, helped in the development of system documentation, and managed a smooth transition of core functions to in-house staff. We now act in an advisory capacity, and maintain the custom software developed for the client.